Friday, April 30, 2010

Referencing Jar from Maven not in local Repository

If you want to use a jar but not install it in your local Maven repository this seems to work:

Set scope to system. Then point to the jar in systemPath element and pretty much make up the rest.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

JDBC Connection Pool - Minimalist Options

Revisiting database connection management. I took a look at C3P0 which is an open source JDBC driver and looks pretty simple to use.

The only thing I don't like about downloading some of these libraries is the amount of code contained in them I don't really need. I looked at the source and don't need anything for JBoss, for instance. I prefer simplicity and minimalist code, personally. Just to get some functionality in Eclipse I have to download fifty bazillion classes. Yes, bazillion.

And have some other personal reasons for not wanting to use all the J2EE stuff for managing resources. It's my code, so I don't have to conform to the masses in this case. When developing for another company I would probably have to follow Java law.

So anyway I found this interesting example as a starting point for a JDBC connection pool without all the extraneous stuff I don't need:

JDBC Connection Pool - Example Code

I'm sure this needs revisions and not completely what I need (already found it did not override a bunch of things now in the connection interface and is using out of data classes per some documentation I ran across) but maybe something between the two would be nice.

Maybe if components you download had a way to specify and get only the functionality you need when you get them instead of downloading every option under the pun intended ;-)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Use Maven Jetty Plugin in Eclipse

I wanted to run Jetty in Eclipse so I can write code, debug, test, etc. Ran into some issues. Solution here.

Add Jetty plugin to your pom file:


I then tried to run the jetty goal from the command line to keep it simple:

mvn jetty:run

No user specific settings.xml file

Then, something was griping because I never added a settings.xml file to my local repository. Copy the settings.xml file from the directory where you installed maven and drop it into your local repository (see my post on Java development environment if you need more info).

Missing Dependencies

Next...complaints about missing jars not in Maven central repository.

Download the jars I found searching in Google (what would we do without Google as nothing Java related seems to be well documented completely from end to end):





Install into maven repository with the following commands (make sure you're in the directory where you downloaded the jars or provide full path to jars):

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.glassfish.web -DartifactId=el-impl -Dversion=2.2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=el-impl-2.2.jar

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=javax.el -DartifactId=el-api -Dversion=2.2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=el-api-2.2.jar

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.glassfish.web -DartifactId=jsp-impl -Dversion=2.2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=jsp-impl-2.2.jar

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=javax.servlet.jsp -DartifactId=jsp-api -Dversion=2.2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=jsp-api-2.2.jar


Next I had to add this to my settings.xml file in my local respository settings.xml file:


No webapp directory or start up file

I noticed that Jetty was referencing a non-existant path for the web app. Default is under your project /src folder in /webapp directory. I also added the default index page under my project src directory:


Bug: Jetty context fails with spaces in path

Ok the next issue was that apparently if you have spaces in the path to your local repository Jetty will fail for that reason also.

Details are here:

So...I had to move my whole local repository to an alternate directory with no spaces. I uncommented the local repository setting in the settings.xml file and changed the path to the new location.

<!-- localRepository
| The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts.
| Default: ~/.m2/repository-->

Finally...Jetty runs. If you got this far test it out by going to this url on your local machine:


Running from within Eclipse

Okay that's nice but I wanted to run Jetty from within Eclipse. I right clicked on project pom.xml file, chose "Run As" then "Run Configurations". Double clicked on "Maven Build" node to add a new Maven run configuration. In the dialog box I typed a name - called it "run jetty". I entered the path to the directory containing my pom.xml file as the base directory. For goals I entered "jetty:run". I checked Debug Output, update snapshots and resolve workspace dependencies - clicked Apply, then run.

Yippee. Jetty is running in Eclipse and you can see the output in the Eclipse console.

SQL Server Permissions

Had an interesting issue after restoring a database to SQL Server 2008 database server. None of the users could select from any tables. When restoring a SQL Server database, you pretty much always have to go in and recreate the accounts and add them to the databases again with the appropriate permissions. This was a bit different and odd.

Here's how I solved it:

1. Tried adding a select role which had select permissions on the database (did not solve it but here's now to do it):

Let's say your user name is "dbuser" and you want to create some roles to do different things like execute, insert, select, etc. You could do something like this - which is probably overkill and you might want to set up a different schema also - but I was just testing anyway:

CREATE ROLE db_execute
CREATE ROLE db_select
CREATE ROLE db_delete
CREATE ROLE db_insert
CREATE ROLE db_update

GRANT EXECUTE ON SCHEMA :: dbo TO db_execute
GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA :: dbo TO db_select
GRANT DELETE ON SCHEMA :: dbo TO db_delete
GRANT INSERT ON SCHEMA :: dbo TO db_insert
GRANT UPDATE ON SCHEMA :: dbo TO db_update

EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_execute', 'dbuser'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_update', 'dbuser'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_insert', 'dbuser'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_delete', 'dbuser'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_select', 'dbuser'

2. You could grant permission to all tables and views in your database like this handy dandy script I found here


DECLARE @login varchar(50)
SET @login = 'dbuser'

DECLARE @tables TABLE(ROWID int IDENTITY(1,1), SQLSTR varchar(500))
FROM sysobjects

DECLARE @rowid int, @sqlstr varchar(500)
SET @rowid = 0
SET @sqlstr = ''
DECLARE grant_tbl_cursor CURSOR FOR
FROM @tables
OPEN grant_tbl_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM grant_tbl_cursor
INTO @rowid,@sqlstr
EXECUTE (@sqlstr)
FETCH NEXT FROM grant_tbl_cursor
INTO @rowid,@sqlstr
CLOSE grant_tbl_cursor
DEALLOCATE grant_tbl_cursor

DECLARE @views TABLE(ROWID int IDENTITY(1,1), SQLSTR varchar(500))
FROM sysobjects
SET @rowid = 0
SET @sqlstr = ''
DECLARE grant_vw_cursor CURSOR FOR
FROM @views
OPEN grant_vw_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM grant_vw_cursor
INTO @rowid,@sqlstr
EXECUTE (@sqlstr)
FETCH NEXT FROM grant_vw_cursor
INTO @rowid,@sqlstr

3. But what really solved the problem for me was looking at the effective permissions on the table that I initially tested. Right click, choose properties and check out the effective permissions tab. I noticed that the public role was denied pretty much any permission on any database object. Given that all users must be in the public role and cannot be removed, had to fix that.

First I verified that these permissions were also returning from a query on the permissions and users for that object:

select OBJECT_NAME(major_id) as object,
USER_NAME(grantee_principal_id) as grantee,
USER_NAME(grantor_principal_id) as grantor,
state_desc, class
from sys.database_permissions
where major_id=OBJECT_ID('Table_In_Question')

Sure enough, public had deny set on just about everything.

So...I undenied it but removing all permissions from the public role and resetting permissions as desired.


It's a little odd that we are revoking the denying of something, but that's how it works. Running my permissions query after this showed that the public user had no object level select priveledges on that table - neither grant nor deny. I tested and was able to select from the table with the other user that was part of the public role.

I also tested after my changes and that same user was not able to change permissions or table strucures (which is what I was after in the first place via more granular database permissions.) Further review of system tables and probably schema changes are in order, but this particular problem is solved.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Run Batch Files with Cold Fusion

For some processes that use batch files to execute scripts related to processing builds, database imports, data syncs, etc. We also want to allow users who don't have access to the server remotely via remote desktop to be able to execute these commands but also log who executed them when and send out notifications. By surrounding these processes with a secure UI we can allow users to execute these functions without giving remote desktop access to the server, require authentication and track who executed what, when. ColdFusion happens to be the language available in this environment, and this is the ColdFusion tag that runs a batch file.

arguments="CommandLine Arguments"
OUTPUTfile="Output file name"
timeout="Timeout interval in seconds">

With code such as this will be important to ensure that only the specified scripts can be executed by limiting user accounts that can run this and against what files and directories.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Backup and Restore SVN Repository

Basic command for backing up SVN repository:

svnadmin dump repositorypath > backupname.svn

More on backups at:

Back up SVN Repository

To restore the backup on another machine:

svnadmin load respositorypath < backupname.svn

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Truncate SQL Server Transaction Log

USE DatabaseName
DBCC SHRINKFILE(<TransactionLogName>, 1)
DBCC SHRINKFILE(<TransactionLogName>, 1)

Transaction logs are truncated on backup or checkpoints depending on the model you're using:

However the backup will include the larger transaction log so you'll want to back up after truncation to get a smaller backup file and not have to restore the entire transaction log.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Role Management Tool in Windows 2008

If you search for "Role Management Tool" for Windows 2008 on, chances are you won't find what you seek.

If you go to Google and type in that phrase you'll probably find the first site that comes up to be exactly what you are looking for.

I do not know why Microsoft makes things so different between each version of their software, but they do. The Role Management Tool allows you to add features to Windows such as .NET 3.5 which ships with Windows 2008 but apparently is not installed by default.

I like the idea about not having everything you don't neccessarily need and want installed and running, but I found the error message when I tried to download and install .Net 3.5 service pack 3 a bit cryptic. Why not just pop up a link to instructions that explain how to install it?

And why doesn't Microsoft search return a relevant answer that explains what the Role Management Tool is in Windows 2008?

Mysteries of life to ponder....

Monday, April 12, 2010

Java Development Environment for Windows

Since I'm setting up Java software development Environment, thought I would document parts of the process for any potential new Java programmers out there trying to get set up on Windows. Not going to go into every detail...but this would get someone started with commonly used software tools for Java software development and some tips for Windows users.

A few things before we get started:

Some of the instructions below indicate that you should open a command prompt window or type a command. You can get to a command prompt window by going to the start menu, choose run, type cmd and hit enter.

Additionally there are instructions for setting environment variables. To get to those go to Control Panel, click on System, Advanced and Choose Environment Variables. These instructions differ slightly on different versions of Windows but should be pretty close.

When you run Java code it can run using a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) or JDK (Java Development Kit). The JRE is what runs in your browser. It is for people who need to run but not write Java code. The JDK has additional functions for writing and compiling Java code. When configuring development tools, make sure you reference the folder where you download and install the JDK, not folders containing a JRE.


Download java - on the Sun web site choose downloads, SE and the JDK (not

Run the executable (exe file) you just downloaded to install Java.

Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable:

Go to Control Panel, click on System then Advanced, then Environment Variables. Click new. Type JAVA_HOME for the name of the variable and the path to the directory you stalled java into for the value. For example:


Note: the directory you enter sould be the one that contains the \bin folder. In other words for the example above if I look in the directory above I will see a subfolder named "bin".


Eclipse is an "IDE" or program used to write and compile Java code (among other things). Eclipse integrates with a lot of tools and applications. I have found Eclipse used at almost every company I've worked at recently for Java software projects (and some other types of software as well):


Click on downloads and choose one of the options for Java programmers. Either one will work fine to get started but if you know you're using J2EE then you can choose the larger download. Eclipse is Java software so it runs on any platform so you don't need to worry about getting the right version for Windows, Linux, etc. Just download the file, right click to unzip and choose the folder where you want the program files to end up. After unzipped, there will be an "eclipse.exe" file in the folder where you unzipped the files. Double click on it to start the program. You can also right click on it and choose to create a shortcut which you can drop on your desktop, quick launch toolbar or drag to your start menu.


Subversion is a "version control" system. It tracks versions of your files so you can go back to previous versions in case of error. It also helps companies track which files were released to production servers so they know which versions of files are in production at any given time, and roll back to a previous successful release in case a new release causes a problem - regardless of what changes happened in between releases.

Subversion is an open source product and the source code can be downloaded from the Apache web site at:

If you're on Windows you may not want to go through the build process to compile the software in order to run it - it's a little complicated. Binaries (or the files used to install and run the program on Windows) are offered on the Apache site. Collabnet's version claims to be the "certified" binaries. Always take a look at who writes and supports the software you download and where they are located when considering your options. I took a look around the CollabNet site and saw that Tim O'Reilly of O'Reilly & Associates is on the Board of Directors...figured that was a good sign.

The CollabNet version of subversion can be found here:

Subversion Binaries

Choose to run subversion as a service and it will run every time you start your computer. You can open up Windows services and set it to run manually as well. You'll choose a port on which to run the software - I chose not to run on port 80 (standard web port) so it wouldn't interfere with other things I have running on that port. You can choose a different port, say 81 or 8888 or whatever suits your fancy but doesn't conflict with other software on your machine. Typically you'll run subversion on a server but you can also run it on the same machine on which you develop if you don't have any other option.

Cannot load C:/Program Files/CollabNet/Subversion Server/httpd/modules/ into server

Unfortunately when I opened up Windows Services (Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services) and tried to start the two CollabNet services, the Apache service would not start. The error in the Windows Application Event Log (Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Event Logs) was:

The Apache service named reported the following error:

>>> httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 116 of C:/Program Files/CollabNet/Subversion Server/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load C:/Program Files/CollabNet/Subversion Server/httpd/modules/ into server: The specified module could not be found.

The service basically starts the Apache web server so I manually started the Apache web server by going to the folder in which I installed CollabNet \Subversion Server\httpd\bin\httpd.exe and running that file. That seemed to work fine. However I wanted Subversion to run as a service...

I read in some blog posts that restarting Windows might help...that did the trick.

Test SVN is running

To see if SVN is up and running I went to a command prompt (start / run / type "cmd" and hit enter) and type

svnadmin help

There I get the list of commands available from SVN admin. Seems all good.

Create SVN Repository

To create a new repository (the place where subversion saves your file revisions but in a special format that should only be accessed through subversion commands and tools), I navigate to the place where I want the repository to be. Then type:

svnadmin create myrepo [or whatever you want your repository to be named]

Ouila - repository created.

Running SVN under separate Windows account

You'll want to run this server under it's own user name for a secure environment. Set up a new user account and give it appropriate permissions. I had to use administrator over user but would be preferable to not run as a full-fledged admin or limit the permissions on files for this account to only what is required for proper functioning. Then right click on the service and change the login as to login with the user/name and password you created for this service. That way whatever actions this software takes when running will show up in the logs as "svn" rather than some generic account. This helps track down problems and setting up restrictive permissions for this user will limit potential security problems.

Error 1053 with SVN Serve Service

Another note - started getting error 1053 when I deleted the initial repository directory I configured for SVNServe. If that happens, you can [very carefully] edit Windows registry and change the path used by the service from the directory you initially set up to whatever the valid directory is that this user account has permissions to access. You can see what directory the service is using for the repository by right clicking on the service and looking at the start up information, then search for that in the registry.

SVN Authentication

You probably want to set up user names and passwords so not just anyone can access your SVN Server. There are multiple ways to do this but here's a simple way to start:

Edit the httpd.conf file (search for it or find under apache files where you installed Subversion)

There's a few lines at the end starting with:

<Location /svn>

Edit that section as follows:

SVNParentPath should be the folder that contains all your repositories. You can also set up separate locations for each repository using SVNPath instead of SVNParentPath if you need to configure your repositories separately.

You'll add the path to the file that contains users (AuthUserFile) and set a few other options. Read up on this further if you want to know more about all the options.

<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNParentPath C:\path\to\folder\containing\repositories
AuthType basic
AuthName "welcome to my repository"
AuthUserFile C:\path\to\users.txt
Require valid-user

The above options create read only access to the repository.

You can remove LimitExcept line to give a user full access or change the LimitException options as appropriate for your needs.

Restart Apache service.

That works but the CollabNet documentation says that to ensure you're not passing SVN passwords plain text over the network you'll want to use digest mode. That has some slight variations and more information can be found in Apache documentation - but here's their example which worked for me:

<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNParentPath /var/svn
AuthType Digest
AuthName "Subversion repository"
AuthDigestDomain /svn/
AuthUserFile /etc/svn-auth-file
Require valid-user
Now we'll need to add a user.

First of all, I had a problem running this command below because the bin folder for Apache was not on my Path. Add that by going to your Control Panel, click System, then the Advanced tab. Very carefully edit the one that is named "PATH" in the list of variables. Add the path to the folder located in the folder in which installed subversion end with /httpd/bin.

For instance if you installed subversion in C:/SVN add C:/SVN/httpd/bin to the end of your PATH environment variable.

Hint: I always copy and paste the path so I don't make a typo...

If there are other things already listed for your PATH variable, which I'm sure there are, precede the following line with a semi-colon (;) if there isn't one there already. Each item on the path is separated with a semi-colon. hit the Apply button and close the window.

Also if you have a command prompt window open close it and open a new one to get the updated path. You can check what the PATH is in your command window and make sure your changes took effect by typing:

set PATH

Navigate to the folder where you specified your users file would be stored in your SVN configuration above.


htpasswd -c users.txt [username_here_no_brackets]

You'll be prompted to enter a password.

Woop-ti-doo. User created.

Note that if you have a large number of users you will want to consider other options such as storing user names and passwords in a MySQL database. Searching text files can lead to performance issues.

Tortoise SVN

Once you have a version control system set up you open up a command prompt window and type commands to save versions of your files, however it's a lot easier to use Tortoise SVN on Windows. Tortoise SVN provides a nice user interface that allows you to just go to any directory on your machine, right click, enter the URL to your repository and choose "checkout" to get the files in the repository for the first time. You can also easily add new files to your repository by right clicking and choosing "add".

Tortoise SVN can be downloaded here:

Tortoise SVN

Note: Make sure you bypass the ads and scroll to the bottom of the screen to get the correct links.

Prevent Password Caching

One other thing I like to do is turn off password caching so they are not saved on the server or my client machine. To do that the book I have says to change store_passwords=no in the subversion config file -- found with your Windows user account files which on XP would most likely be c:/Documets and Settings/[Your User Name]/Application Data/Subversion but might be different in another scenario).

However I found the following documentation within that file related to this parameter - looks like it gets set in the servers file in the same directory now:

### The rest of this section in this file has been deprecated.
### Both 'store-passwords' and 'store-auth-creds' can now be
### specified in the 'servers' file in your config directory.
### Anything specified in this section is overridden by settings
### specified in the 'servers' file.

Add files to the repository

OK so now it's time to add files to the repository. The typical structure for a project in svn is:

/branches (branches off the main code folder up on this one...)
/tags (snapshots of specific revisions of the code in time - for builds, etc)
/trunk (the main folder where the current code goes)

For more on structuring up.

I found this book to be helpful for both Subversion and Tortoise SVN:
Practical Subversion

In order to create a new project in the repository I first created the folder where I wanted my project to live. I set up the three standard folders (tags, branches and trunk). Then right click on the folder ABOVE the top folder I want to go in subversion. Everything below will get added. Choose "subversion" then "import". Enter the URL to the repository. Hit OK.

Note - if you're trying to figure out what the url to your repository should be on your local machine, right click on the folder where your repository is stored and choose "Tortoise SVN / Repo browser". This will pop up the repository browser with the URL in the dialog box. You can just copy it and use it when you right click on your project folder to checkout, add, import and/or commit files.

And from this point on....I leave the rest to your further reading and exploration.....


Maven is a tool that is used to help "build" or compile Java programs, tracking all the dependencies in a project. It can also help with automated testing, deployment and other aspects of managing software projects.

Maven can be downloaded and installed from:


For Windows you'll want to download the pre-compiled (binary) version unless you want to compile the software youself and the zip format of the file which will look something like this:

Unzip the files to a location of your choice such as:

C:/Progam Files/Maven

Once unzipped you should see within the above directory a subdirectory called /bin. In other words:

C:/Program Files/Maven/bin

You'll want to add that bin directory to your PATH environment variable as described above for SVN. Find system information, advanced, environment variables. Edit the PATH environment variable and add ;C:/Program Files/Maven/bin (or whatever the path is to the /bin directory where you unzipped the files).

You'll also need ot add a new environment variable. Click the add button. Enter M2_HOME as the variable name and enter the directory that contains the bin folder as the value for the variable (i.e. for example above C:/Program Files/Maven).

Test that Maven is running by going to a command prompt (start/run type cmd and hit enter) and type:

mvn -v

This should print out the Maven version on the screen - ok Maven's running.

Alrighty then, let's create a maven project. Then we can add code to this project and use Maven to build it, test it, generate documentation, etc.

Navigate via command prompt to the folder where you want to create the project. Type something like the following, replacing the Group, Artifact and Package with whatever you want those to be. Group and Artifact identify the project so you can refer to it later. You can read more about those. Package is the Java package that the code will be in - you can read up on Java packages if you're not familiar with those. And by the way "archetype" is a fancy word for a template. So when we generate this project it's based on the standard Maven template for a project - the files and directories that are created when you run this command are based on the default Maven project template or archetype.

mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.somecompany.somegroup -DartifactId=component

NOTE: Case sensitive. No extra spaces between names, equal signs, and values. No line breaks (which may throw an error like 'xyz is not a recognized internal or external command)

The first time you run this you'll notice Maven downloading a bunch of dependencies it needs to run. This is what Maven does - tracks the dependencies for software projects and grabs them from specified repositories as needed. The files will be downloaded to your local Maven repository the first time and accessed from there after that point. Your local repository on Windows is by default in the typical place Windows dumps your files in an .m2 folder (C:/Documents and Settings/your_name/.m2/repository on XP). This is configurable if you want to change it.

There are advanced ways to configure Maven to only work with certain repositories such as companies that only want employees downloading components from internal locations that have verified, secure versions of code and also minimize Internet network can read up on that.

After running the command to create a new project, you can list the files that were created and you'll see the default project structure.

The pom.xml file in the root directory for the project is the file that you will configure to tell Maven what to do with your project. Open this file to see the default configuration that was set up. Hint: Opening with Notepad might not give you the correct line breaks. Use WordPad, IE, etc.

If you navigate within the project to the /src/main/..../ file this is the default main class that Maven created for your project. Obviously you can change this as needed.

OK now you have a Maven project. You can use this as a starting point to add code, compile it, run tests, configure plugins, generate documentation, etc.

To compile and put the resulting output into your local repository, you simply type:

mvn install

Maven Dependencies

Look at the pom.xml file that was generated and you'll see a dependency listed - JUnit. More about JUnit later. When Maven builds your project, it will go out and get this dependency and bring it down to your local repository. If your code requires other .jar files to run, you can add them as dependencies to your project following the example for JUnit. When you run "mvn install" Maven will automatically download the dependencies you have specified from the Maven centra repository if they do not exist in your local repository.

In order to find a dependency Maven uses the artifact id and other information in the configuration for that dependency such as version number. So you'll need to get the right information for the particular dependency you're adding to your project.

Dependencies not in Maven Repository

Sometimes you'll find a jar file you want to use is not in the central repository for Maven. In other words whomever created hasn't added it to or doesn't allow it to be added to the main repository managed by Maven so you can download it automatically by just adding the configuration to your pom file. In this case you'll have to install it into your own repository manually. Once it's in your repository you can add it to pom files to include it in projects.

To do this use mvn install:install-file command.

For example if you want to include the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver in your project you'll need to download the latest jar file from Microsoft. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you downloaded this jar. If you've downloaded version 3.0 which is sqljdbc.jar type the following command.

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=sqljdbc.jar -DartifactId=sqljdbc -Dversion=3.0 -Dpackaging=jar

Once you've done that you can include this jar in the pom file for a project like this:


Maven Plugins

Maven has a bunch of plugins that can perform various build tasks for you. In order to use a plugin you add it to your pom file. For example if I want to use the SCM plugin which integrates with our source control software (Subversion) I would add it to the default pom.xml that was created above, putting the following at the end before the closing <project> tag:


<!-- your example configuration here -->

When you type mvn intstall, that plugin will be downloaded if not already in your repository.

NOTE: If you need a specific version you can add that to the configuration. If you get an error that a plugin or dependency could not be downloaded, you can remove the version number to get the version that is available.

You can find a list of Maven Plugins here:

Multi-Node Projects

If you want to include childe poms within a parent pom add a modules section to your parent pom file that lists the other pom artifact ids as modules. This way you can have maven run against multiple projects/poms in one step. For instance you might have a library (jar) that contains core classes used in multiple projects with artifactId as "project1" in its pom.xml file. Then you have a library containing the classes specific to the project you are working on with artifactId "project2" its pom file. You want to build both in one step so you create a parent pom and include these additional modues as follows:


Maven Plugin for Eclipse

Ok you're a Windows user so probably rather not deal with this command line stuff right? Well, then download the Maven Plugin for Eclipse which provides a UI to manage Maven through Eclipse. I found the instructions at the link below to be out of data for the latest version of Eclipse but will tell you more about M2Eclipse:

Maven Plugin for Eclipse

In the version of Eclipse I am using, I had to go to the help menu and choose "Software Updates", click on "Available Software" tab, then "Add Site" button. Then enter "" in the dialog box that pops up (no quotes) and click "OK". You should see the Sonatype site added to the list of software repositories in the install software dialog box. Check it and click the "Install" button. Follow the steps to install the plugin.

Ok now you can create a new Maven project in Eclise. Choose File | New | Other | Maven Project. This will allow you to generate a new project based on a Maven archetype.

You can also choose to open one the existing project you generated above using the create:archetype command by choosing File | Import | Maven | Existing Maven Projects and choose the directory that contains the pom.xml file for your existing project.

The first time I ran the Eclipse plugin I got an error:

"Maven plugin requires Eclipse to run in JDK...etc."

To fix I did the following:

1. Add the jvm to your eclipse.ini file found in the directory in which you installed Eclipse. Add this line with the correct path to the Java version and install directory you specfied above when you installed Java:


I noticed that you must put this on two different lines - if you put those two things on the same line it fails. Additionally it worked for me when I inserted it at the beginning of the eclipse.ini file.

I've seem comments in blogs that you'll need quotes around a path with spaces in it, like this:

"C:\Program Files\Java\JDK\1.5\bin\javaw.exe"

However I found this not to be true and caused an error on one machine I tried this on.

More on eclipse.ini: Eclipse ini

2. In Eclipse choose Window | Preferences. Click (+) next to Java. Click installed JREs. Click Add button. Choose standard vn and Next button. Choose the same directory you added as JAVA_HOME when you installed Java above. Click Finish. I also removed the older version of the JRE since I don't want to end up using it by mistake. For my purposes I just use the latest version of the JDK.

3. I noticed at this point still had a yellow warning about the JDK version in Eclipse for my project referencing 1.4 when 1.4 was not installed. To fix I right clicked on the project node, selected "Build Path", "Configure Build Path", then clicked on the "Libraries" tab. I removed the reference to JDK 1.4. I clicked the "Add Library" button. I chose the option "JRE System Library" which selected the JRE I configured above in Maven (which is actually JDK, not JRE, but whatever).

Next error...apparently Maven uses JDK 1.3 by default. You'll need to tell Maven to use a higher version if you want to use generics or other newer features in higher versions of the JDK. Add the following to your pom.xml file for your poject. I added this after my dependencies node:


Maven Book

I found this book helpful for using Maven, however I also found new useful tools that replace plugins in Maven 2.2 that are not documented in this read up on new features in Maven and plug ins online.

Maven: The Definitive Guide


JUnit is used to write unit tests. These unit tests basically call various methods in your code and verify tha the code behaves as expected - throwing and catching errors where it should and returning correct values.

An example unit test class was created in the project above we created with the Maven archetype. You'll find this code in the /src/test/java directory. The calss is called Test classes typically are named the name of the class they are testing plus "Test". you can see that within the class the JUnit classes that run tests are imported at the top. The class extends (read about abstract classes if not familiar) the class TestCase so it can run tests. There's a function that returns the whole suite of tests contained in the class (which happens to be one in this case) and a function that runs a test. You can add more tests to the class following the example. I'll leave it to you to read up on how to write tests.

To run the tests via maven you can run: mvn test

Test are also run as part of: mvn install

To run the tests from within Eclipse you can right click on the class or the particular test in the project explorer tree and choose "Run As" then "Junit Test".

You'll notice that in your pom.xml file the JUnit dependency has in the configuration:


That means this dependency is needed for test scope only and will not be included for deployment. In other words your final application that you deploy on the web or run as an application doesn't include the tests and the JUnit dependency.


Jetty is a web server which is efficient, fast and lightweight. In my opinion it used to be more lightweight and now seems to have a lot of things being stuffed into it. I prefer to strip most of the extraneous elements I don't need and run with a minimal version of the web server that does just what I need - no more, no less. This is both more efficient, less bugs and more secure, since every line of code is a potential bug, takes CPU and memory to process, and is a potential security problem as well. This is personal preference - some people prefer bloated code which makes it easier and faster to get things done at the expense of the other factors.

Jetty was originally created by Greg Wilkins and team but has moved over to Codehaus and can be downloaded here:

Download Jetty

Jetty is used by some well known big technology companies (like Google).

A handy way to develop web apps using Jetty is to run Jetty within Eclipse using Maven. To do that configure the Jetty Plugin and configure it. I have a separate post about that if you're interested as I ran into some issues. Then you can right click on your pom.xml file and run Jetty to test and debug your application within Eclipse as you are working.

Jetty Plugin with Maven and Eclipse


I've also worked at a lot of large and small companies that use Tomcat as their Java web server. Tomcat supports the various Java components you might want to run and is a very good option:


I've used various other Java web servers and app servers such as JBoss, Resin, JRun and JServe [which I don't think even exists anymore] but I would stick with Tomcat or Jetty.


Spring is a framework for software development used by many companies. It has various components that can be used to configure and build software projects more quickly. It is built using various Software Design Patterns - a concept any good software developer will want to know and use.

Spring can be downloaded here:


Hibernate is a software framework used for accessing databases. Hibernate is commonly used along with Spring. It handles various important aspects of database connections that can lead to performance problems and can speed up development of software that works with databases.



A lot of Java applications end up using databases. The most common are MySQL, SQL Server and Oracle.


MySQL has a free, open source version and is used for a lot of different types of projects, small and large. The enterprise version of MySQL is competitive with SQL Server in many ways. In general it's a database that has been much, much cheaper than SQL Server and probably one of the main reasons it has been heavily used besides being a decent solution for most projects - and open source if you're really that geeky and think you want to change database code. I've used MySQL at various companies and it worked just fine.


SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server has a lot of great tools and support and personally I've just used it a lot and like it. I know what it can do and get things done quickly so I typically stick with it given the choice. For large companies it has some features that help integrate with other Windows networking options and is beneficial for highly scalable and robust solutions that require replication, among other things. I also know that a while back Microsoft snagged some of the best database gurus from some of their competitors. I figure if the brightest and best are developing this product it's a good product to choose. It has not let me down. There is a SQL Server express version which appears to be free - check the license for what you can and cannot do with it - and a developer version which last time I checked was under $50. I've also heard of some hosting companies offering SQL Server for web clients at $30/month which is a pretty good deal. The managed companies I've talked to typically charge in the $200-300/month range for SQL Server. I think the limitation of the web version is mainly replication but you'll have to explore that further yourself.

Search for SQL Server downloads at


Some large companies use Oracle but coming from the Northwest in the shadow of the Mothership, I don't see Oracle so much around here anymore. I know it's used for financial applications and such but the web projects I've worked on recently haven't involved Oracle. Oracle used to be "the" database when I started out and was what I started working any of these three options will most certainly meet the needs of the majority of projects.

Find out more about Oracle at Oracle


Access is a good database for a single user on a local machine - say an accountant that needs to import data and run customized reports. Access is *not* a good solution for a web site, a multi-user or networked application. Choose one of the others.

There are other database options, but those are by far the most commonly used databases in business applications.