Sunday, June 04, 2017

'capabilities' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy constraint: [Member must satisfy enum value set: [CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM, CAPABILITY_IAM]]

When running cloud formation templates certain templates require IAM permissions. You will need to add this to your IAM call:

--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM 

The full command may look something like this:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name firebox-nat-vpc --template-body file://resources/firebox-nat/vpc.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameters ParameterKey=ParamStackName,ParameterValue=packet-capture-vpc

If you get this error:

'capabilities' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy constraint: [Member must satisfy enum value set: [CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM, CAPABILITY_IAM]]

check to see what is following the capabilities switch to make sure it is correct. Although the error is related to the capabilities switch, the error may be due to something after that flag which is malformed. For example I left out the --parameters switch when dynamically piecing together the CloudFormation call and produced the following by accident and got the above error - noticed there is no --parameters switch:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name firebox-nat-vpc --template-body file://resources/firebox-nat/vpc.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM  ParameterKey=ParamStackName,ParameterValue=packet-capture-vpc

To see this code in action check out this GitHub repo:

Here's the file that is generating the CloudFormation calls with parameters and capabilities: